Create your buyer account
Create an account in only 4 steps, or 4 minutes timed with your watch in hand! ⏰ It will be useful to browse, add favorites, exchange with sellers, and more...
- Click on "login" at the top right of your screen
- Complete all required fields
Take the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter by checking the last box: great deals, decorating tips and promo code at the key! Great deal, no? 😎
- Click on "OK" and you’re all done! Start vintage shopping directly from your sofa.
Please note : you can also register with your Facebook account !

We will ask you if your status is private or professional, if you chose the second option, we will ask you if you are a professional buyer or seller.
Then, you will have to fill in your first name and your surname, your e-mail address and then you will have to chose a password and confirm it. Don't hesitate to take this opportunity to sign up to our newsletter as well by ticking the last box 😎
After that, you just have to confirm the creation of your account ! This binds you to accept the general conditions of our platform.
If you wish to do so, you can also sign up using Facebook.